Authorization by the Ministry of Education of the country where the services are offered, or in each of the countries:
The Universidad Católica San Antonio de Murcia (UCAM), at Avenida de los Jerónimos 135, 30107 Guadalupe de Maciascoque, Murcia, Spain, is an officially recognized university in Spain. It is inscribed in the Registro Universitario de Centros y Títulos (Register of University Centers and Qualifications, RUCT) with the code 066, and is legally authorized to accredit higher education qualifications according to Organic Law 6/2001, 21st December, which pertains to universities.
Authorization by the Ministry of Education of the country where the services are offered, or in each of the countries:
The Universidad Católica San Antonio de Murcia (UCAM), at Avenida de los Jerónimos 135, 30107 Guadalupe de Maciascoque, Murcia, Spain, is an officially recognized university in Spain. It is inscribed in the Registro Universitario de Centros y Títulos (Register of University Centers and Qualifications, RUCT) with the code 066, and is legally authorized to accredit higher education qualifications according to Organic Law 6/2001, 21st December, which pertains to universities.
Company name:
Company Adress:
Rue Kléberg 6, 1201 Geneva, Switzerland